
NVTC News & Events
By Jennifer Taylor ● Oct 25, 2023
Smart Brevity® count: 5 mins...1384 words
Dear NVTC members,
It's been a busy and exciting fall! NVTC hosted Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) at the September Board Meeting, launched our new Rise and Thrive series, and closed out our Starting Point series for startups. We also learned more about Governor Youngkin’s recent Executive Directive (ED) (see #3 below).
On the events front, NVTC is entering our awards season. Don’t miss the chance to expand your network at these two signature events:
Please scroll below for other newsworthy updates, including how to maintain your circadian rhythm as daylight savings ends.
The NVTC team looks forward to seeing you this fall at our events! 🍁🌻⛅🍂
Jennifer Taylor, NVTC President and CEO
1. 🔒Three weeks until NVTC’s Cyber Summit!
Don’t miss the 8th annual NVTC Cyber Summit and Cyber50 Awards.
Why it matters: You’ll learn about the latest cyber trends, technologies, and policies — all necessary to protect our critical digital infrastructure.
What’s on the agenda?
Panels on the implications of AI and cybersecurity, the role of data at the intersection of cybersecurity and transportation infrastructure, and strategies for building a successful cyber company.
New this year: A pitch competition featuring regional cyber startups.
Announcement of the Cyber50 honorees.
A networking reception.
Buy your tickets today and join us on Nov 16th!
2. Nominate now for NVTC's Tech100 Awards
Surely you know a company who had a stellar year! Or, a tech executive or rising star worthy of recognition. Nominate them for NVTC’s Tech100 Awards by Oct 27th.
Why it matters:
Recognizing innovative companies enables them to validate their impact.
Acknowledging individuals who are change agents will make them feel appreciated, valued, and trusted.
What’s next:
3. 🤖 Virginia takes a lead in AI regulation
On Sept 20th, Virginia became the third state (after Kansas and California) to issue an Executive Directive (ED) on Artificial Intelligence.
Why it matters:
Governor Youngkin’s ED initiated a process to establish AI standards/guidelines and identify future AI-use pilots to help make government work better for Virginians.
The Commonwealth is committed to remaining competitive and innovative in the future, while protecting residents from AI’s risks and potential threats.
The bottom line: The ED calls for the:
Development of standards/guidelines to ensure responsible, ethical, and transparent use of AI.
Creation of a list of proposed state agency pilot uses of AI to help modernize, capitalize for economic growth, and examine the impact on power generation requirements.
What’s next: Working groups will codify the standards/guidelines and announce pilot uses in 2024. NVTC will keep members abreast of outcomes and any future legislation introduced.
4. 🌍 NVTC CEO champions diversity amid global unrest

The following is from Jennifer Taylor, President and CEO, NVTC
The Oct 7th Hamas attack on Israel, and its aftermath, has been deeply distressing. Here at NVTC, we mourn the loss of innocent lives, support those recovering, and hope for the safe return of the missing.
As a tech community, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment and creating a sense of belonging for the entire NVTC membership, Board, employees, and all of Northern Virginia.
One of NVTC’s four strategic pillars is to embed diverse, equitable and inclusive practices within the fabric of our tech community. Together, our nearly 500 members are committed to nurturing a culture of belonging that values diversity.
In times like these, I am reminded of the word “pluralism”.
Pluralism refers to the peaceful coexistence among people of different backgrounds, religious beliefs, traditions, and identities.
This vision promotes respect for others and their differing beliefs, and denounces hate.
Respecting our differences helps make our region one where we all feel safe living, learning, growing, and working.
What they’re saying:
Regional university leaders have provided thoughtful perspectives amid these events, reflecting their commitment to create inclusive, tolerant communities that embrace pluralism.
The Shine a Light platform is a toolkit to help companies create a safe and inclusive workplace during these difficult times and includes content for how to navigate the Hamas attacks and workplace resources.
NVTC longs for a peaceful world where we can embrace our diversity, recognize how it enriches our community, and celebrate the innovation it yields.
5. 🔨 Introducing Fuse: Our region’s new collaborative tech hub
Have you seen the construction progress on Fuse at Mason Square? Here’s what you need to know.
Fuse will be a new 345,000-sq. ft. digital innovation hub in Arlington's Rosslyn-Ballston corridor.
Fuse will be the catalyst for digital innovators, researchers, tech companies, and entrepreneurs to collide, interact, and thrive.
Fuse will integrate labs, workspaces, and curated programming to promote the exchange of new ideas and the transfer of technology between Mason’s researchers, students and tech leaders.
What’s next: On Nov 3rd, the Fuse project team will celebrate the building's "topping out" and recognize the contributions of the local workforce instrumental in bringing its vision to life.
Go deeper: Interested in leasing space at Fuse? Contact Brian Naumick at brian.naumick@edgemoor.com or 202.345.1030
6. Optimizing performance amid impending daylight saving shift 🌇

The following blog is written by Andrew Deutscher, CEO and Founder of Regenerate
Don’t let the end of daylight savings on Nov 5th throw off your body’s internal clock, aka your circadian rhythm.
Many of us overlook the importance of energy recovery. Now is the time to become more aware and knowledgeable about ensuring we are rhythmically balanced.
We see the effects of circadian rhythm disruption during the daylight saving time shift each fall.
People experience more workplace accidents, worse sleep, and increased health issues in the days following this shift.
Why it matters:
Circadian rhythms drive most of us to wake up in the morning, be productive, have a lull in mid-afternoon, and get sleepy in the evening.
All people, animals, and plants have these rhythms to push toward rest and recovery.
But, continual access to technology and disruptive light jeopardizes our ability to stay aligned with our natural rhythms and can lead to insomnia, disordered sleep, sluggish performance, metabolic issues, and mental health challenges.
Go deeper:
7. 📅 Upcoming NVTC events: Register today
8. 🎉 Welcome NVTC's newest members
The National Summit on Combined Heat and Power (CHP) convenes key voices from across the energy industry. This year’s event includes a session on CHP & data centers, which will explore the climate, reliability, and economic benefits of combined heat and power.
NVTC members save 20% with code: CHPDataCenters20%OFF. Register here.
Congratulations to:
If you would like to include your industry announcement in future NVTC newsletters, please email info@nvtc.org.
10. Only NVTC offers unique access to our region’s vibrant tech community
NVTC connects, educates, advocates for, and celebrates our region’s vibrant tech community.
Don’t miss out: Join NVTC today. Grow your people, your brand, and your business.
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Please contact Tarin Horan to learn about sponsorship opportunities for your organization.
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