Aim High
If they see it, they can be it.
Aim High connects high school students with NVTC Member companies across the region for firsthand exposure to in-demand jobs.

Learn about Aim High
Aim High provides high school students real-world experience with tech-related jobs through educational sessions, panel discussions and fireside chats, hands-on workshops, tours of facilities and maker spaces, and more, preparing them for future careers.
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Each Aim High Champion is committed to connecting NextGen talent with in-demand jobs throughout Northern Virginia.
Aim High Champions
Explore Available Internships in NOVA
Check out opportunities with some of the region’s leading tech companies.
Aim High Kickoff Event
The Aim High launch event included remarks from executives at NVTC, NOVA, FCPS, and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, who are all committed to infusing the NextGen talent into our region's workforce. Panelists from the tech industry and high schools shared new pioneering ways to learn about tech careers and available internships in the region.

Check out the Photos
Aim High launched on May 25, 2023 at Capital One in McLean, Virginia.

Erwin’s Story
Hear how Erwin, a student at Mount Vernon High School in Fairfax County, obtained an internship at Kirkland & Ellis, LLP, a high-profile law firm with an office in Washington, D.C.

Academic Collaboration
Aim High launched in partnership with Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to help fill the region’s tech skills gap.
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