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The New Space Economy: Opportunities for the National Capital Tech Sector


Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM


LMI Headquarters
7940 Jones Branch Dr.
Tysons, VA 22102

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The New Space Economy: Opportunities for the National Capital Tech Sector

Ready for Liftoff: The NVTC Space Community of Interest (COI) launches its first event. Join us for a kick-off coffee mixer to learn more about Space, network with like-minded professionals, gain insights from industry experts and explore how your company can be part of this exciting new frontier.

Why it matters: A hub for innovation, our region is positioned to lead in the emerging space market. Whether you’re already involved in space-related projects or looking to expand into this sector, this meeting will provide valuable information and connections to help you navigate the space economy.

Key COI focus areas will include:

  • Emerging technologies: satellite communications, remote sensing, human spaceflight, exploration, launch and propulsion systems, manufacturing, geospatial analytics and AI
  • Commercial space industry growth and economic potential
  • Space leadership in the National Capital Region
  • Supporting our members to build and grow their space businesses

The countdown is on: If you want to be part of NVTC’s Space COI, please plan to attend our first event!


8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration & Networking
9:00 – 9:10 AM NVTC Welcome/Overview of Space COI
9:10 – 9:30 AM Keynote

  • A.C. Charania, Chief Technologist, NASA
9:30 – 10:15 AM Panel Discussion

  • Brett AlexanderCRO, Firefly Aerospace
  • Melanie CorcoranCEO, Analytic Fusion
  • Clay MowryCEO, AIAA
  • Patrick ZeitouniChief Strategy Officer, Hawkeye 360


  • Rob Ruyak, Aerospace & Satellite Sales/BD, Amazon Web Services
10:15 – 10:30 AM Open Q&A


Brett Alexander Speaker Graphic
A.C Charania Speaker Graphic
Melanie Corcoran Speaker Graphic
Clay Mowry Speaker Graphic
Rob Ruyak speaker graphic
Partick Zeitouni Speaker Graphic


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  1. Select the ticket to the right.
  2. Click “Checkout”
  3. Enter all relevant information in.
  4. Pay for your ticket.

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