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Innovation Award

Innovation within the data center industry can take on many forms, whether it be new technology, new products or services, or new processes. This award will recognize a data center provider that launched some form of innovation in the last 12 months, achieving measurable results such as increasing efficiencies, reducing costs or improving quality. Examples of innovation might include the implementation of a new data design, the use of a new resource or material during construction, or a new process deployed by finance to expediate billing, etc.

Nominations close January 10, 2025.

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Marketing Representative Name:*
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB.

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    Photo of Tarin Horan

    Contact us to sponsor

    To learn more, email Tarin Horan, VP, Events and Sponsorships at thoran@nvtc.org or connect via LinkedIn.